Computer Security and the Internet
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This site is being developed by Scott Leslie & Zac Warner.

Is your computer secure? Or is it a swinging gate of information for any one who has the knowledge to enter it.

Change the setting on your internet browser to the highest security level possible and then go surfing.

What kind of messages do you receive?

Most people don't realize how easy it is to gain access to your computer system.

What can you do to ensure that your computer system is protected against such invasions?

Knowledge is power. This site will discuss issues that deal with computer security when browsing the internet.

We will investigate such things as cookies, scripts, plug-ins, ActiveX scripts, etc.

Cookies were to be a tool that allowed users to experience a better web surfing experience. However, cookies do possess the power to be used to track your every move. Instead of just using cookies to speed a users site experience cookies are being used by companies to track where a user goes.
Privacy advocates are raising their collective voices. Even MS has joined the effort to attempt to bring more control over user info as seen in this article,1848,43686,00.html. Will the effort put forth by MS cause businesses to allow users to surf with privacy or will it take legislation to force them too. Companies of course say they will police themselves. But if that is the case, then why do we need police? Because surely in an anarchist society the population will police itself. These companies wish to only have laws that are benefitial to themselves but not ones that protect the user. I feel that the effort MS is putting forth needs to be enforced by legislation.